I created this grid to move past and protect from the ill-intent was being thwarted upon me the last couple of weeks. After completing some banishing and protection rituals, this Protection Crystal Grid felt like the final piece of the puzzle, for now. I say for now, because the protection of my energy, of your energy is never complete.
I’ve placed this grid in my Sacred Space and allowing it’s energies to flow throughout the entire house. If you recreate this grid, I would suggest you also place it in your sacred space or on an altar, this way the energies really meld with your own and I feel grow stronger.

Centre of the Grid
↳ Brazilian Clear Quartz Cluster
4 Quadrants
↳ Black Tourmaline with Mica + Quartz
Crystals Pictured above:
↳ Dragon’s Blood Tumbled Stones
↳ Black Tourmaline Chips
↳ Fresh Sage Flowers from my Garden