Clear Quartz is the most powerful healing and energy/thought amplifier and can amplify the energetics of any other crystals it is near as well. Clear Quartz enhances psychic ability to the highest level possible and attune you to your spiritual purpose. When using Clear Quartz in meditation, it filters out distractions and is the most efficient in reprogramming. Being the powerhouse master healer it is, quartz can stimulate the immune system and bring balance back to the body.

Brazilian Quartz Cluster

Sale price$69.000 CLP

Clear Quartz is the most powerful healing and energy/thought amplifier and can amplify the energetics of any other crystals it is near as well. Clear Quartz enhances psychic ability to the highest level possible and attune you to your spiritual purpose. When using Clear Quartz in meditation, it filters out distractions and is the most efficient in reprogramming. Being the powerhouse master healer it is, quartz can stimulate the immune system and bring balance back to the body.

  • Rainbow inclusions
  • Druzy bottom
  • Chlorite